There was a time when people take paper, pencil and a lot of calculations, which takes time to design a prototype. These days, with advances in technology, companies have moved to designing prototypes with the use of computer-aided design (CAD) — Rapid Prototyping Companies. Most advantages have to do with the speed, as rapid prototyping allows designers to produce more precise techniques mock-ups at a fast speed.

Fast turnaround
In the development stage of the product every mature product, the faster the product is ready to be put on the market, the better. Rapid Prototyping offers product designers a faster way to create, calculate, and recalibrate a product’s pattern. These prototypes are then used to test consumer reaction and technical feasibility of development. This allows for a more accurate end product and consumers are ready to be mounted first.
More accurate calculations
There are many steps to create prototype with any systems, but ultimately leads to a more technical final design, 3D CAD model, rather than a possibly wrong hand drawn mockup. Each stage of development, creation and verification of the results in a more accurate model — that will end up being the final product. Calculations that were measured by hand and instruments today are calibrated with the accuracy and efficiency of computer-aided design, making it less likely that the final prototypes will be flawed.
Final prototype is not always the same as the final product
The Benefits of Rapid Prototyping should be the three-dimensional model of what the end product should be when it goes into production — even with rapid prototyping, this is not always the case. It may happen that the prototype is too expensive to produce or that are better than the actual product that the company has the ability to produce. With managers using the prototype as a sales tool, the difference between this and the end products in a business relationship
More suitable for short run production
It is easy to use Rapid Prototyping to develop a smallest element or component of a larger entity that has a large-scale voice. The reason for this is simple: go through a phase of rapid prototyping phase of the Prototype Development, the disposal of the old revisions strive for perfection. For a large-scale article can not be comfortable. In addition, the larger the product, the more random access memory (RAM), the design. A computer can not simply have the RAM capacity to produce something big.
Costs of Rapid prototyping
The cost involved with creating and discarding many versions of a prototype varies depending on the size of the item, the material cost of the construction, and the amount of necessary changes to achieve a version ready for final production. Depending on the actual product under development – for that reason, the costs associated with prototyping may be an attribute or damage. Like any other form of product development.
Rapid Prototyping Technologies
Today there are many Rapid Prototyping Technologies for using, but mainly as following four types:
Stereolithography (SLA): Stereolithography is the oldest known prototyping method. At the same time it offers the highest level of detail, the best surfaces and the highest accuracy of all techniques.
3D Printing (Polyjet): Production of functional precision and design samples, workpieces and concept models with extraordinary space dimensions , also combinable material options.
CNC milling: The most modern CNC milling machines are used in particular to make master models, design parts, tools and multi-layered series parts, both plastic and metal materials are available.
Vacuum casting: For pouring the original model in a silicone vacuum mold (soft tooling) use polyurethane, depending on the application with elastic or high-strength constitution.
Rapid prototyping enables to manufacture your individual small series for a wide range of industries according to your ideas and requirements. New procedures and additive manufacturing technologies such as laser sintering simplify the production of small batches and make them economical and efficient. With the generative manufacturing process, we manufacture your small series directly from your CAD data. The individual parts are produced layer by layer from the CAD data and fused together using a laser powder jet. The finished parts are functional and ready for use after completion. Rapid Manufacturing is the equivalent of rapid prototyping in small batch, mass production and focusing on end-product manufacturing for faster, more accurate and lower-cost production of small batches. We serve customers from a wide variety of industries, including the medical industry, mechanical engineering, aerospace, architecture and the automotive industry. For product design Prototype, we use a wide variety of materials that are selected according to your requirements. These include plastics, resins, metal and rubber etc.,
As an experienced specialist supplier, we offer cost-efficient additive manufacturing of series products in controlled component quality. We are your strong, competent partner in all phases of the production process, we serve international customers in the main sectors of automotive, aeronautical engineering, mechanical engineering and medical technology.